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Dealing With Mold in Your Garage
Feb 2019

Dealing With Mold in Your Garage


If you’re experiencing problems with mold in your garage, you’re not alone. More than half of U.S. households struggle to eliminate mold and mildew. Spores are especially adept at growing in moist, dark, and unventilated environments such as the basement or the garage. If you notice signs of mold growing in your garage, it’s crucial that you act fast. Here, we lay out how to best deal with a mold issue in your garage, and how to prevent more problems in the future.

Why Is There Mold in My Garage?

While most people are good about keeping their houses at a comfortable, dry ambient temperature, the same can’t always be said of the garage. Many people fail to air condition or dehumidify their garage in the summertime, which can cause quick mold growth. In the winter, cars driving in covered in rain or snow can add humidity to the room and lead to mildew. A lack of adequate ventilation further compounds upon this problem.

The Problem With Mold

When mold gets into walls and foundation, it can cause extensive property damage. It may weaken wooden structures, or even lead to cracks in concrete. What’s more, if you store valuables in your garage, a mold problem may get into boxes and ruin delicate materials. A damp environment can also cause irreparable damage to cars.  But mold can do more than just cause extensive property damage. It also poses a threat to the health of you and your family, particularly the young and the elderly. The health risks of mold include:

  • Nasal congestion
  • Coughing and wheezing
  • Skin, eye, and throat irritation
  • Pulmonary problems
  • Respiratory illness
  • Asthmatic symptoms

Mold Removal and Prevention

If you notice mildew starting to grow in your garage, you should immediately make efforts to clean it before it can spread. If you’re dealing with a small area, it’s relatively easy to clean yourself. Simply use a bleach solution or a white vinegar and water mixture to wipe down and disinfect the area. For larger problems, or for those that extend deep into the wall, it may be a good idea to hire a professional cleaning team to eliminate the issue.

Once you’ve cleaned away your mold problem, you should take measures to prevent more issues from arising in the future. Without taking action, mold will just continue to keep growing in your garage regardless of how often you clean it. Here are some of the best things that you can do to prevent mold problems in your garage:

  • Install a ventilation system
  •      Keep humidity at no higher than 50%, using a dehumidifier if necessary.
  • Use fans and AC to prevent your garage from getting too hot.
  • Ensure that the room has good drainage to carry excess water outside.

Your garage may be providing the perfect environment for mildew to grow and thrive. Mold in the garage can lead to a whole host of problems, from property damage to health issues. By ensuring that your garage is dry, cool, and well-ventilated, you can keep your home and your family safe from the negative effects of toxic mold.

Garage Buildings